

Yeah, I know. That name sucks. But whatever, it’s not like I need to sell this thing.

First of all, a bit of context. I set up Voicemeeter on my PC so I can control different audio streams separately and so I could improve the quality of my microphone that is connected to an external audio interface. Having to tab out of what I was doing to lower the Spotify volume when someone was talking on Discord became so annoying that I started thinking of something else.

First, I tried using an app on my old iPad that could send MIDI messages over the network. It worked, but I still had to unlock the iPad to use it, and it was also a mess of 3 more apps running on my pc in the background (at startup!).

Then I started considering macros on my keyboard, but having to press 3 buttons while you are doing something else isn’t a very good idea either. Also, it lacks the granular control you can have with a physical/virtual slider.

So, after a bit I started thinking of a hardware solution. An Arduino, some encoders and some buttons. Perfect! But I wanted something a bit more polished and that I could show instead of needing to hide a bunch of cables behind a 3D printed enclosure.

Time to learn some PCB design I guess. I did my research and I settled on the open source program KiCad because there were a lot of tutorials and it’s free.
It has everything, from the schematic editor to the PCB editor, it doesn’t use proprietary file formats and there is no stupid subscription. Maybe it doesn’t have some fancy features, but I don’t need them (for now).

The board

The board layout is pretty simple.


The encoders are routed in such a way that every one of them is connected to an interrupt-enabled pin. This improves performance, as the Arduino doesn’t need to poll the state as often.

As it was my first time designing a PCB, I used an autorouter instead of doing everything on the PCB by hand. It was a pretty simple process with FreeRouting, but I would love to have it automated so I don’t have to export a file, load into FreeRouting, route, export and import again in KiCad.

Oh and for me the KiCad keyboard shortcut are absolutely not intuitive, so I wasted a lot of time on simple things. I guess it’s something you learn with time.

PCB Manufacturing

So, I took a copper plate and some acid and then… No, just kidding.

PCB manufacturing is now really cheap.
I used JLCPCB because it had good reviews (and I had a coupon code :P): I paid something like 10€ for 5 PCBs, including shipping, and it took about 3 weeks to arrive to my doorstep, which isn’t bad at all. I obviously chose the black PCB, matte black everything!

The code

The awesome Control Surface library makes writing MIDI programs on Arduino a breeze. The only thing I need to add is a way for the LEDs to turn off automatically after a set period of time, right now they stay on after I turn off my pc so I need to disconnect and reconnect the USB cable to power cycle the circuit. Not a big problem but it can be improved.

#include <Encoder.h>
#include <FastLED.h>

#include <Control_Surface.h>

// Define LEDs 
Array<CRGB, 4> leds = {};
constexpr uint8_t ledpin = 4;

//External LED strip
Array<CRGB, 4> extleds = {};
constexpr uint8_t extledpin = 5;

// Instantiate a MIDI over USB interface.
USBMIDI_Interface midi;

using namespace MIDI_Notes;

// Rotary encoders
CCRotaryEncoder encoders[] = {
  { {9, 1}, MCU::V_POT_1, 5},
  { {8, 0}, MCU::V_POT_2, 5},
  { {7, 2}, MCU::V_POT_3, 5},
  { {6, 3}, MCU::V_POT_4, 5},

// Encoder buttons
CCButton encoderButtons[] = {
  { A3, {MIDI_CC::General_Purpose_Controller_1, CHANNEL_5}},
  { A2, {MIDI_CC::General_Purpose_Controller_1, CHANNEL_6}},
  { A1, {MIDI_CC::General_Purpose_Controller_1, CHANNEL_7}},
  { A0, {MIDI_CC::General_Purpose_Controller_1, CHANNEL_8}},

// Mechanical switches
CCButton switches[] = {
  { 10, {MIDI_CC::General_Purpose_Controller_1, CHANNEL_9}},
  { 16, {MIDI_CC::General_Purpose_Controller_1, CHANNEL_10}},
  { 14, {MIDI_CC::General_Purpose_Controller_1, CHANNEL_11}},
  { 15, {MIDI_CC::General_Purpose_Controller_1, CHANNEL_12}},

NoteRangeFastLED<leds.length> midiled = {leds, note(C, 4)};
NoteRangeFastLED<extleds.length> midiextled = {extleds, note(E, 4)};

void setup() {
  // Setup LEDs
  FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, ledpin, GRB>(, leds.length);
  FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, extledpin, GRB>(, extleds.length);
  Control_Surface.begin(); // Initialize Control Surface

void loop() {
  Control_Surface.loop(); // Update the Control Surface;         // Update the LEDs